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Super zum massieren aber Geschmack ist Geschmacksache
Ich habe dieses Produkt bekommen um es zu testen und zu bewerten. Zu Beginn erst mal danke dafür. Massagen kommen bei Frauen immer gut an und Männer sagen sicher auch nicht nein. Also habe ich gleich mal am Abend nach Empfang des Paketes gleich einen massageabend gestartet. Absoluter Pluspunkt ist die Ausführung als Spender. So bleibt die Flasche sauber und man kann trotzdem jederzeit Nachschlag nehmen. Die Ergiebigkeit ist geringer als bei babyöl aber es reicht trotzdem für viele Anwendungen. Der Geruch ist sehr angenehm und nicht penetrant sofern man Vanille mag. Was den wärmenden Effekt angeht ist dieser zwar keine Heizung aber trotzdem dezent spürbar. Jetzt zum einzigen Punkt welcher persönlich nicht ganz meinen Geschmack trifft. Der Geschmack. Es schmeckt leicht bitter wobei dies definitiv Geschmacksache ist und somit auch nur von mir so gesehen wird.
Mein Fazit. Preis Leistung ist vollkommen okay und ich würde es auch weiter empfehlen an alle die keine Abneigung gegen Vanille haben.
Both of us enjoyed the aroma and the way that it fills the room
If you are anything like me, you will enjoy a pleasant sensual massage. I was delighted when the lovely Cara Sutra gave me the chance to review a bottle of Amoremeo Salted Caramel Kissable Massage Gel as part of her Pleasure Panel for meo.de.
This is the second flavour of the Meo massage gel that I have reviewed, I really liked the Vanilla one and looked forward to putting this one to the test as well. Any excuse for a gentle massage.
My Stuntcock and I had lots of fun using it on each other, and while the details would be fun to go into, I am just going to summarise the massage gel here. I am sure you can use your imagination for the rest of it. So is this a massage gel that hits the spot or is it something to be avoided?
Like its Vanilla counterpart, this gel comes in a 125ml plastic bottle with a sturdy pump action dispenser. It arrives with a sealed cap for hygiene and security. This gives you peace of mind that it hasn't been tampered in any way during its journey from the factory to you.
At today's exchange rates it costs just £8.80 for a bottle which is pretty good value for money.
I found that the pump dispenser is great for allowing you to dispense just the right amount of massage gel so that you won't be wasting any.
The bottle itself carries a full list of ingredients and lots of product information; the branding is very subtle which is nice.
This massage gel has the following ingredients; glycerin, water, propylene glycol, aroma, CI 19140 & sodium saccarin.
This is the same list of ingredients as are found in the Vanilla version which is hardly surprising. Most of these elements are perfectly fine, but it contains Glycerin which is a sugar-based sweetener.
Glycerin is an ingredient that I avoid in lube as it can promote yeast infections as it is a sugar but as this product is intended for massage and not for direct application to your genitals that is not a problem.
In use, this gel does have warming properties, and this is something to be aware of if like me you have a very sensitive Foof. I usually have adverse reactions down below to that sort of ingredient as I am hypersensitive to warming lubes and gels. I, therefore, haven't applied any of this to my pussy, it is something to bear in mind if you are sensitive.
If you are tempted to try some down below, then I suggest a tiny amount for the first time to see how you get on with it. That is a better idea than splashing it all over your genitals only to find you running to the nearest bucket of cold water to sit in it.
During a massage, the warming properties are very impressive, and that feels nice.
The first thing that you notice when you dispense some into your hand is the smell; it is delicious and soon fills the room as your massage it into yourself or your partner.
The Salted Caramel flavour is mouthwateringly good, and it made me hungry when it was being massaged into my body. It is a pretty runny gel so you will need to be careful when you dispense it into your hand. Dispensing it is very easy though due to the pump action bottle. Once in my hands, I rubbed it into
my hands to warm it up before starting to give the massage.
This warming of the gel sends the odour into overdrive, and it smells so good. The smell grows and grows as you continue massaging it into the skin of the person that you are massaging. I like the strong smell, it is full on and not subtle at all. Some massage gels give a hint to their flavour; this one punches you in the nose as announces its presence to the room. It is very intoxicating.
As it is marketed as a kissable massage gel I had to do the taste test on it, and it is very sweet, but you can taste the caramel. It isn't something that I would use as an oral lube, but if you do end up kissing skin during the massage, it isn't unpleasant. If you like oral lube, then check out the range at Meo.de it looks fantastic.
While rubbing it in the warming sensation helps you to relax and that coupled with the Caramel aroma makes a massage with this gel a delightful one. Make sure you heed my warning about direct genital contact though - test it first.
oth parties will enjoy the massage. The receiver can enjoy the warming gel as it is absorbed together with the scent and of course the massage itself. While the giver has his or her nose serenaded by the Salted Caramel scent drifting upwards.
It spreads very well and gives good coverage, but you need quite a lot for a full massage.
After giving a massage, I did notice that my hands were left tacky and I had a shower after it was used on me. It is delightful to use but the after tacky sensation is a little off-putting so I will use it before showering in the future.
My partner enjoyed using it on me especially licking and sucking it off my nipples after spending a lot of time massaging my breasts (kinky bugger). I must admit that I did enjoy that though and he commented on the sweet taste. It would, therefore, make an ideal foreplay activity. It has me curious to try some of the other gel products from Meo.de like their oral sex lubes.
Both of us enjoyed the aroma and the way that it fills the room setting a pleasant atmosphere for the massage.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/amoremeo-salted-caramel-kissable-massage-gel.html
Damit läuft wirklich jeder Motor wie geschmiert – und jedes Hintertürchen auch. Perfekt für Rollenspiele und alle die es etwas "derber" in der Gangart auch (alle anderen sicher auch, aber wieso sollte man sich sonst "Motoröl-gleitgel" kaufen?!). Mit den richtigen Worten versehen kommt man so definitiv auf Hochtüren. Sehr geiles Produkt.