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Od 18 rokov
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Perfect product for a fun night in the bedroom. Much quicker to get kinky if you aren't in the mood to use sex rope. If you want some quick kinky play this is perfect for you. It only sticks to itself so you don't have to worry about it hurting your skin when removing it.
No son las típicas cintas, no se adhieren al cuerpo, no tienen pegamento, sino que se pegan por rozamiento. Son prácticas y además si lo haces bien puedes llegar a volver a utilizarlas. Son muy prácticas
This product is amazing in so many ways. The most key feature is it only sticks to itself.
I love being tied up, but have found many things don't withstand a bit of rough and tumble or if they do they rub and become uncomfortable. This certainly isn't the case with this tape. It wraps and unwraps very nicely.
It's very easy to use and great for beginner's and advanced alike. It's honestly got enough flex in it to be able to pull out of it in an emergency, but enough to hold you there even if you pull against it. A fun feature I have found is a makeshift blindfold.
Having tried all manner of silk and makeshift products, nothing really made me or my partner 100% blind. This does the job perfectly and have had some amazing sex as a result.
Tolle Qualität von MEO zu einem Top Preis, schnelle Lieferung! Angenehm zu tragen und macht natürlich Spass beim Bondage;) Egal ob Mann oder Frau passt beiden gut;)
Das Distinct-Armband fühlt sich angenehm auf der Haut an und riecht auch wie Leder riechen soll .. (geil) Durch das mehr oder weniger schlichte Design passt es zu fast allen was mein Fetisch-Kleiderschrank her gibt ..
Using it since last few days and experience no problem, the locks do come with set of instruction which should help you change the combo to what you like. I am very happy with this product and recommend anybody who is looking for a good lock solution.
Mein Freund und Herr hat mir die Kette vor kurzem angelegt. Er trägt die Schlüssel immer bei sich. Sie ist schön schwer und dank dem Schloss kann ich sie auch nicht abnehmen. So kann man jederzeit sehen, dass ich zu ihm gehöre. Bin hellauf begeistert.
Habe mir dieses wirklich schöne und wertige Bizepsarmband aus Leder selbst geschenkt (man muss sich manchmal selbst beschenken). Es kam in einem schönen Samtbeutel und ist wirklich ein Eyecatcher.
Fuck gravity! This heavy-duty suspension ring is made of durable metal to support your aerial endeavors in BDSM. Use it as an attachment point for your ropes, chains, suspension cuffs and more! This is a great accessory for shibari and other rope bondage to help you configure intricate designs. The elegant curves of the metal are in the shape of a classic BDSM symbol, reminding you to always play it Safe, Sane, and Consensual.