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Od 18 rokov
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Es gibt wohl nicht das "beste Gleitmittel", da der Kauf ebenso eine persönliche Entscheidung ist, wie die, welches Essen man mag. Manche mögen es dick, andere flüssig, wieder andere schlüpfrig genug, um ihre "Maschinen" oder "Löcher" zu schmieren, und noch andere wollen, dass es lange genug hält, um für Stunden Sex zu haben. EZ2FUCK trifft fast jeden Geschmack! Es ist angenehm samtig, stört nicht, ist klar, geruchs- und geschmacksneutral. EZ2FUCK-Gleitgel hält lange an und ist ideal, nomen est omen, für den perfekten Sex!
I had been looking for a good lube for sounding & now i've found it. Couldn't wait to try it out as soon as it arrived. Helped immensely in getting me to my maximum of 12mm. Non sticky no residue just a very good lube. So good i've already ordered my second tube.
Alienate slaves and enjoy BDSM that’s out of this world, with the MEO Alien Fetish Mask! Unique in design, it will ensure the mask never slips when it comes to asserting authority. Extremely versatile, this beautiful bondage mask ensures completely customised gratification and can be worn by Dominant or Slave. Really look the part as you punish your playmate and perform medical examinations, or have your slave strap it on for protection in piss play or watersports activities. Complete with a large visual panel, it allows the wearer to see everything clearly, while the original design detail separates this BDSM mask from all others currently available. Complete with a unique vent panel over the mouth and two small circular mesh panels on either side, it certainly looks the part in any sadistic scene. In addition, the internal foam lining underneath the mouth vents adds another layer of protection against breathing in alien objects or particles.
The MEO Alien Fetish Mask is extremely comfortable to wear for prolonged play sessions, featuring foam lining around the eyes and bridge of the nose. The easily adjustable head strap is supremely soft and ensures the optimum fit. Made from fine quality materials, it boasts an impressive look AND feel that is sure to satisfy.
Spedizione puntualissima. Ero scettica perché dalle foto non sembra di qualità ma alla fine ho deciso di comprarlo e provare. Ed è andata benissimo! È bellissimo! Il colore risulta brillante! L’effetto è molto sexy. Ne comprerò sicuramente un altro anche per il rapporto qualità / prezzo. Consigliato!!!!!
I’ve bought many different masks from multiple suppliers over the last few months, and this is the first one that truly fits.The filters are easy to remove and replace, and the fabric is not hot or heavy. I change my mask 4-5 times a day due to work conditions, and have spent over $250 trying to find one that is comfortable. Nice to have finally found a mask that I can wear all day!
Gut sitzende und durchdachte Knieschoner – egal ob für längeres Knien, oder wenn es doch mal nur noch auf allen vieren weitergeht. Über geschädigte oder überbelastete Gelenke muss man sich dadurch gottseidank gar keine Gedanken mehr machen, sondern kann sich auf das wesentliche konzentrieren: schließlich hat es ja einen Grund, warum man gerade auf allen Vieren ist...