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Od 18 rokov
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Comme d'habitude, livraison très rapide, emballage discret, marque de fabrique du site. Nous l'avons essayé immédiatement, et la qualité est au rendez-vous. Le goût est prononcé, sans être extrême, et offre une certaine sensation de fraîcheur aux premiers instants. Ma compagne a rapidement senti les effets, après 2 pulvérisations. Nous avons attendu un tout petit peu afin de ne pas transférer les effets au membre. Et la le nirvana ! Autant pour elle, qui a pu profiter sans le moindre haut le coeur, que pour moi, qui du coup ne stresse pas de son inconfort et profite du plaisir reçu. Nous le recommandons vivement, même pour les personnes ne pratiquant pas la gorge profonde, puisqu'il désensibilise la bouche entière, donc moins de douleur dans la bouche et la mâchoire, surtout face à des plus gros membres.
Die perfekte Ergänzung zu den 24/7 Anal Stretcher Plugs. Passt perfekt und sitzt sicher. Habe die L Ausführung und diese passt auch in einen anderen offenen Plug. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Il nome dice tutto, LET'S FUCK EXTREME è uno dei più potenti lubrificanti a base d'acqua e silicone, specifico per il sesso più spinto. Le sue eccellenti proprietà di scorrimento sono l'ideale per il sesso anale e per l'uso con i giocattoli più grandi.Grazie alla sua consistenza cremosa , può essere facilmente dosato e applicato. La formulazione di alta qualità garantisce una lubrificazione di lunga durata e una sensazione di morbidezza sulla pelle. Facile da rimuovere con acqua e sapone, assolutamente sicuro in combinazione con i preservativi in lattice.
Yeh, check your sizes. Ordered the xl. can only get it 3/4 up. Ordered a medium, this is not a problem, went straight up. A Large is on the way !. Can't get it in ?, try lying on you back, legs up, or on all fours, back arched and butt pushed upwards.
Really comfortable to wear long term, and in bed overnight. Quality product and brilliant.
GREAT for intimate use. I have used others before, but some never did their job. Some were way too dry & sticky of a product, but this one is opening new doors for my love life. If you have problems with painful intercourse, your lubricant may not be doing its job like mine weren't. Some are not moist enough, others are too sticky. This one is water based and feels silky smooth & is never sticky. There is no harsh smell and they don't use harsh chemicals. I also like that it is a squeeze bottle that I just have to pop down to close. Comes in a sexy looking blue & black bottle.
Just use another small lock and then use this product to lock up the small key in a metal box. You can even have a backup small key somewhere else that is inconvenient, embarrassing, messy, etc, to get to. For safety, maybe choose a place that's quick but messy. Ideas? For some uses, a sealed envelope. Another idea, your lover knows where an extra key is, but won't tell you until you perform a task. Or you can wait--your choice. Ideas? J