Nepýtal sa Shakespeare (alebo to bol Jeff Stryker)? "Aký veľký penis zvládneš?" Na otázku "Aká je maximálna veľkosť?" si teraz môžete ľahko odpovedať sami vďaka nášmu vibrátoru veľkosti XXL, pretože ho môžete napumpovať na absolútne maximum!
Nafukovacie dildo XXL so stabilným jadrom
Nepýtal sa Shakespeare (alebo to bol Jeff Stryker) ? "Aký veľký penis zvládneš?" Teraz si na otázku "Aká je maximálna veľkosť?" môžete ľahko odpovedať sami vďaka nášmu vibrátoru Giant, pretože ho môžete nafúknuť na absolútne maximum.
Zaručene sa tak nestane žiadnym slabochom:
Naše dildo vo veľkosti XXL presvedčí nielen neuveriteľne vzrušujúcimi detailmi, ako je napríklad jeho vypuklý žaluď alebo silne zvýraznené žily, ale aj pevným jadrom, vďaka ktorému je zavádzanie tohto obra oveľa jednoduchšie. A to najlepšie na ňom: Toto čierne dildo možno napumpovať pomocou praktickej guľôčkovej pumpy - čistá mravenčiaca rozkoš a extrémne análny strečing!
Veľkosť nášho nafukovacieho dilda:
po nafúknutí je celková dĺžka 36 cm a priemer približne 10 cm.
Vyrobené z gumy
Pre hladšie vkĺznutie dovnútra jednoducho použite trochu lubrikantu a pripravte konečník naším koncentrátom "EXTREME ANAL". Po použití ho treba očistiť trochou vody a mydla. Na dezinfekciu možno použiť aj náš čistič hračiek "VERYCLEAN".
Great orgasms if you like that "full" feeling
My hubby purchased this after we got into fisting on a regular basis. I didn't think I could take this HUGE thing....not in a million years. It's much bigger than his fist! After a lot of KY and a lot of work we finally got it in. We've been using it for about 6 months now and sitll have yet to inflate it all the way. Great orgasms if you like that "full" feeling though.
Aufpumpbarer Dildo
Sehr schönes Material und richtig gute Grösse. Macht mit oder ohne Partner richtig Spass. Lässt sich dank des stabilen Innenlebens leicht einführen und ist einfach nur ein geiles Gefühl.
Lässt sich wirklich weit aufpumpen
Selbst unaufgepumpt eine geile, große Größe. Gutes Gefühl. Lässt sich wirklich weit aufpumpen.
Surprenant !
Malgré son look barbare, cet objet a su nous surprendre. Ma compagne en a fait son joujou préféré.
Loving every min and sec its in my ass.
I have to say I just got this yesterday and I love it so much already. I lubed it up and shoved it in my ass and started pumping it up omg awesome. Then I deflated it and pushed it in further and pumped it up agin streaching my ass so wide and deep I slid up and down on it fully pumped till I was cumming in compleat exticy. I am about to do it agin to start my day off with a bang and it will be all the way in me and pumped up to its max mmmmmmm oh yah. Thanks loving every min and sec its in my ass.
Highly recommended
Just received our new toy. Oh my god, a lot larger than expected. (Good !) The look on my wifes face was priceless. At first she was a little timid, but by nights end, and 15 pumps later, "Extacy".
Très bon produit
Je suis très satisfait de se gode pour le moment après plusieurs utilisation très plaisante.
My fav ;)
This is my absolute favorite go to toy when I'm in the mood to really go all out and do it all. The fact that me or my partner can control the size of this while it's inside is absolutely amazing. Really helps you push your limits if that's what you like. I love this!!
GET IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got this toy for myself . I have had ex girlfriends in the past fist me . So I figured . Wtf . I can take it . First off I was kind of confused how to use it ALONE ..... I mean inflated the thing is HUGE ...... The only way to get it in (alone ) is inflate some . Deflate some and just keep working it into your ass...... With 3 days of trying .... ( alone ) I got it all the way in ...... And video tapped it openning me up . after 8 pumps I came like I never did before ....... The again .....( alone :( ) If you like the feeling of being torn apart from the inside ...... GET IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pussy loves it!
It takes a lot of lube and some work to get it in, but when i start inflating it, OMFG! Does it ever feel good in there; Pussy loves it!
Stretches me for my other big toys
Got my inflatable and I love it really stretches me for my other big toys
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