Zaručené orgazmy bez použitia rúk! Nexus Revo Extreme je rotačný vibrátor na prostatu pre mužov, ktorí hľadajú ešte intenzívnejšiu, extrémne extrémnu stimuláciu a chcú si dojiť prostatu!
Zaručené orgazmy bez použitia rúk! Nexus Revo Extreme je rotačný vibrátor na prostatu pre mužov, ktorí hľadajú ešte intenzívnejšiu, extrémnu stimuláciu a chcú si dojiť prostatu!
Objavte neuveriteľný svet hands-free orgazmov a doprajte si tento inovatívny rotačný vibrátor na prostatu, ktorý sa dokonca dodáva s diaľkovým ovládaním. Na dosah ruky máte neuveriteľných 34 možností stimulácie s mimoriadne širokým hriadeľom a samostatne ovládateľným perineálnym stimulátorom na vytvorenie viacerých megaorgazmov. Vďaka mimoriadne veľkej rotujúcej hlavici ponúka Revo Extreme intenzívnu masáž prostaty pre dokonalý orgazmus.
Vibrátor na prostatu Revo Extreme je jedným z najväčších stimulátorov prostaty v sortimente MEO. S priemerom približne 55 mm v najhrubšom bode dokazuje, že táto análna erotická hračka je vhodná len pre skúsených používateľov.
Dvojitá stimulácia (prostaty a perinea)
Nexus Revo Extreme stimuluje prostatu veľkou rotujúcou hlavicou a ponúka vám na výber z dvoch režimov a dvoch smerov otáčania. Po zasunutí do konečníka poskytuje mimoriadne intenzívny pocit plnosti. Táto veľká erotická hračka pre mužov zároveň rozmaznáva aj perineum svojou vibračnou základňou, ktorá je pokrytá stimulačnými nopkami a má 6 rôznych vibračných režimov. Ide celkovo o 34 možných kombinácií rotácií/vibrácií na dosiahnutie orgazmu prostaty!
Odolný a výkonný
Nexus Revo Extreme je celý potiahnutý lekárskym silikónom a je vybavený inovatívnymi technológiami, motorom s vysokým krútiacim momentom, integrovanou spojkou a veľmi tichým mechanizmom. Výsledkom je veľký, kvalitný vibrátor s mužným dizajnom.
Viac informácií:
Made me cum several times
Very stimulating. Love the sinsations of anal vibration. Made me cum several times.
immediate prostate milking
Fantastic product, as soon as I inserted and started the rotation, precum was being milked from my prostate and dripping out my cock, had several mini a'gasms, just perservering for the big one
Prostate milking ahoy!
This was my first foray into proper automated prostate massage and I'm so glad I got this. I've not previously managed to have more than one p-gasm in a session, so for this toy I made sure I had time to enjoy it with no interruptions or distractions. Being in the right state of mind is also mega important so once I was ready I had a good hour and a bit with this...
I relaxed and slipped it inside, and immediately noticed it 'fits' perfectly - without turning it on I had a few drops of precum as the stimulation began. I found a medium vibration and the rotation on was best for me, as my prostate was massaged the vibrations went to work on my perineum to make everything tingle. I was surprised at how quickly the first minigasm came, with a nice thickening of the steady stream flowing from my cock. Another 2 of these followed before the big O... just as well I was lying down as I couldn't move after that!
It's back on charge now!!
Molto versatile
Il prodotto si presenta molto compatto e con materiali ben fatti. Completamente impermeabile e piacevole al tatto. Presenta diverse modalità di vibrazione, alcune statiche e altre invece dinamiche, variando la vibrazione stessa. Qualità prezzo buona, consigliato!
Fills you up!!
This product from MEO was a great purchase. BE CAREFUL THOUGH, it's MASSIVE. Only for experienced folks. It fills you up, and has strong vibrations. It doesn't stay in as easily as I'd want it to, but overall, best toy I've bought in my life.
This has to be the most amazing prostate toy I’ve ever had.
The girth is perfect and the length puts the rotating head right against my prostate.
No other massager can make me orgasm like this one. The girth is perfect and feels awesome as it slides in!
Groß und geil
für alle die auf der Suche nach einem starken und großen Prostata Stimulator sind ist der REVO perfekt!!!
Eyes bigger than my...umm... yeah
This thing is a proper monster. It takes some warming up to, and with the rotation it can actually be uncomfortable if you're not relaxed enough for it. It is so big there is no way it doesn't hit your prostate. Unsurprisingly it's quite securely in place once its there. For me though, this isn't the kind of thing I use all the time. Its a long session kind of toy, takes working up to, and lots of lubricant and lots of relaxing.
This is more than I can manage comfortably for now, but I aspire to work towards it!
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