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Od 18 rokov
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Oh wow what a lovely toy this is,so realistic ,hard and flexible just like the real thing. Good quality simple and easy to clean. Suction cup is very firm stays where you put. I absolutly love it!!!
Der Rim Seat von MEO hat eine super Qualität ist aber auch sehr, sehr praktisch. Früher habe ich beim Rimming immer Wadenkrämpfe bekommen. Dieser "Sitz" macht es viel angenehmer für mich und ich kann viel länger in der Hocke bleiben während ich von meinem Sub geleckt wird. Also: Win-Win !
I rarely write reviews but this thing is worthy of one so here goes… I love this box! I’ve gotten so much extreme pleasure from this thing. I can edge for hours with it, hands free. The orgasms while using it are unbelievably powerful. But it’s not just while using it—I’ve found my orgasms when not using it (ie during sex or regular masturbation) are also way bigger and more powerful too. No joke! We’re talking shoot over my head every time now. Some of my regular playmates and hookups have also mentioned how much and how hard I shoot and they didn’t know I had been using e-stim. If I leave this going after my first orgasm I can usually shoot a second time after just a minute or two. Might seem pricey but this is the one you want. So why this box instead of a cheaper one? The stereo audio stim is just worlds better than anything the other boxes can offer. There’s a lot of variation you can get from this box with the choice of electrodes. The best electrodes I’ve found by far are the thicker conductive rubber loops. Get 6 or 8 mm for best effect. This thing is also pretty portable since it can be battery powered (think stimming on that long drive or out in public under your clothes as no one else knows but you!). To answer a few questions people might have: 1. No you won’t stop wanting to have regular sex; this thing is fun when you’re by yourself (or with someone) but it also makes your regular sex even better. 2. No you won’t be addicted per se though you will love it and enjoy it! 3. No it doesn’t hurt, it feels amazing, unless you want to crank the power level way up to a painful level. The sensations can range from having thirty people stroking and sucking you at one time to having someone licking your shaft and tickling it. You can download free e-stim audio files from various sources (don’t use regular music) and each file creates a different sensation. There really is so much to explore and try. If it does feel stingy or painful, you need to use more electro-conductive gel and maybe a larger electrode. Lookup e-stim vids on some sites like xtube or youporn or xhamster for examples of having hands free orgasms. They’re not just hands free, they’re the most incredible orgasms you’ll ever have. Trust me, you need this box!
Gute Verarbeitung, haben aber trotzdem noch einen abwaschbaren Bezug darüber gezogen.. Dieses Ass-Up-Kissen ist genau das Richtige..nicht zu stark aufgeblasen schmiegt es sich sehr gut an und beschert ein größeres Vergnügen wenn man anal genommen wird. Kann ich für einen guten Fick und Solo Spiele mit Dildos nur empfehlen.
Excellent for deep insertion - flexible enough to follow the curves, but stiff and thick enough that there's no risk that it will fold over on itself, which has happened to me with a thinner colon tube.
La largeur de la pointe fait 7.6 au plus large. Quelques millimètres sont importants avec ces diamètres. Dommage l'article est bien et la livraison est rapide.
Designed to slowly stretch you deeper over time, eventually being able to take larger toys or a whole arm. Stretch at your own pace, you don’t need to insert all of it at one, best to play over a few months. When you’re ready and wanting more, get the next size up. Use plenty of lube; they are smooth so that they slide in easily.
Diese Handschellen mit Zahlenschloss sind ihr Geld wirklich wert. Die Handfesseln sind gut verarbeitet, sauber schließend und insgesamt vom Design her sehr stimmig.
I have to admit, I never write reviews about this stuff but had to for this one. My wife and I enjoy an open marriage and we buy each other toys on occasion. She got this for me a few months ago fro my 40th birthday. She thought I needed something to enhance my urge and pleasure given now I am officially "old". I'm on travel quite often and she knows I enjoy masturbating when I'm away from her. The first time I tried the E-Stim Stroker, I ejaculated so strong I saw stars and it almost gave me a cramp. It raised the bar of my expectations masturbating. But it's not for the faint of heart and you might take some conditioning and getting used to for the average masturbator though. It has really reignited my passion for edging and masturbating. I just can't put it down for long before my cock is erect again and demanding more and It's had me masturbating several times a day. I've been masturbating and ejaculating more now, at 40, than I did when I was 30. It's also been total fun whenever I mutual masturbate with guy friends which I have been enjoying more often. I entirely recommend this avid masturbators... and who is not an avid masturbator these days anyway. You need this if you want to enhance your stimulation and ejaculation.
Ich habe den Blowjob Mundknebel ausprobiert und war sehr positiv überrascht, dass er sich so sehr von herkömmlichen Knebeln unterscheidet. Das Mundstück aus rotem Silikon, das dem Inneren des Mundes nachempfunden ist, passt sich durch das elastische Material jedem Mund perfekt an. Gleichzeitig bietet es auch bei längerem Tragen einen hohen Tragekomfort. Was den Knebel aber so besonders macht, ist, dass man den eigenen Mund quasi in ein "F*ck-Loch" oder "Glory Hole" verwandelt, in eine Art Masturbator, mit dem man sich seinem Partner ganz hingeben kann. Das ist eine ultimative geile Erfahrung, die ich noch nie zuvor erlebt habe. !!!! Die Verarbeitung des Knebels ist wirklich toll - er wirkt stabil und gut gemacht. Die Farbe entspricht ziemlich genau den Produktbildern. Die Schnalle funktioniert gut und sollte bei den meisten Kopfumfängen leicht zu öffnen und zu schließen sein.
Sie sieht noch genauso aus wie am ersten Tag. Wirklich äußerst robust gefertigt. Keinerlei optischer Fehler. Perfekt ausbalanciert. Sie macht genau das, was Ihr Name sagt. Sie KLATSCHT und das sogar gewaltig. Wer also Wert auf Schmerz UND Akustik legt, ist mit dieser fantastischen Klatsche von MEO sehr gut bedient.