Ak vám "obyčajné" nestačí a vždy hľadáte niečo jedinečné, potom je BDSM maska Alien práve pre vás. Nielenže zaručuje bizarný, pútavý vzhľad, ale počas sexu vás aj úplne anonymizuje, takže sa môžete úplne ponoriť do svojej úlohy.
Vždy ste sa chceli počas sexu ponoriť do iného sveta, v ktorom sa budete cítiť silní, zvodní a tajomní zároveň?
Potom je maska Alien BDSM od MEO® presne pre vás!Dizajn sa stretáva s funkciou: MEO® vám predstavuje masku, ktorá k vám prichádza priamo z ulíc Berlína - epicentra moderného fetišistického dizajnu.
Táto BDSM maska bola navrhnutá tak, aby nielen priťahovala pozornosť, ale aby svojmu nositeľovi poskytovala aj maximálne pohodlie.Pre odvážnych: Ak vám "obyčajné" nestačí a vždy hľadáte niečo jedinečné, potom je BDSM maska presne pre vás.
Nielenže zaručuje bizarný, pútavý vzhľad, ale počas sexu vás aj úplne anonymizuje, takže sa môžete naplno ponoriť do svojej úlohy.Zážitok: Či už počas intenzívneho BDSM sedenia alebo vášnivého, tvrdého sexu v závese - táto maska poskytuje to isté.
Jedinečný dizajn chráni tvár a oči bez toho, aby ohrozoval dýchanie alebo celkové pohodlie. Vyjadrite sa, buďte odvážni a odvážte sa vstúpiť do nového, vzrušujúceho sveta s BDSM fetiš maskou od MEO®! Viac informácií:
Perfect for anonymous play and putting on a sadistic facade, the Alien Fetish Mask is a kinky face mask from MEO.de. Made from TPU, PE, PC, and foam, this mask features a single, adjustable elastic strap around eye level to fasten the mask to the face. This kinky mask covers only the face and doesn’t go around the entire head. This roleplay sex mask, which was designed in Berlin, is suitable for outdoor use and offers a large field of vision. The mask allows for full vision of the wearer and it has vents near the mouth for easier breathing and speaking.
Overall, the Alien Fetish Mask is a great way to hide your identity, get some sadistic visuals in your play, and still be pretty comfortable. It doesn’t impede the wearer’s vision all that much, is only slightly warm to wear, and it’s pretty comfortable with virtually no scratching or discomfort. It’ll muffle your words a little bit, so I wouldn’t use this during anything dangerous or communication-heavy, but it’s fantastic for sex scenes where you go in feeling comfortable about the activities you’re going to do.
Read full review: http://kinky-world.net/?p=16685
Alien fetish mask
Alienate slaves and enjoy BDSM that’s out of this world, with the MEO Alien Fetish Mask! Unique in design, it will ensure the mask never slips when it comes to asserting authority. Extremely versatile, this beautiful bondage mask ensures completely customised gratification and can be worn by Dominant or Slave. Really look the part as you punish your playmate and perform medical examinations, or have your slave strap it on for protection in piss play or watersports activities. Complete with a large visual panel, it allows the wearer to see everything clearly, while the original design detail separates this BDSM mask from all others currently available. Complete with a unique vent panel over the mouth and two small circular mesh panels on either side, it certainly looks the part in any sadistic scene. In addition, the internal foam lining underneath the mouth vents adds another layer of protection against breathing in alien objects or particles.
The MEO Alien Fetish Mask is extremely comfortable to wear for prolonged play sessions, featuring foam lining around the eyes and bridge of the nose. The easily adjustable head strap is supremely soft and ensures the optimum fit. Made from fine quality materials, it boasts an impressive look AND feel that is sure to satisfy.
Das Teil ist der Hammer!
Das Teil ist der Hammer! Sitzt wirklich gut und ist angenehm zu tragen. Geiler, geiler Look beim Sex im Sling. Wer auf sowas steht, kann zugreifen ;)
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