Vyrábame BDSM kolík na penis Little Fucker pre najcitlivejšie mužské otvory. Náš "little one" sme vybavili dodatočným oceľovým krúžkom, ktorý zabraňuje jeho prílišnému zasunutiu.
Vyrábame BDSM kolík na penis Little Fucker pre najcitlivejšie mužské otvory. Náš "little one" sme vybavili dodatočným oceľovým krúžkom, ktorý zabraňuje jeho prílišnému zasunutiu.
Bestseller v našom BDSM obchode! Tento CNC vyrobený uretrálny kolík z leteckej zliatiny 6061-T6 umožňuje postupné zavádzanie a je vhodný aj pre menej skúsených používateľov.
Premyslený tvar a jeho optimálna dĺžka 2,50 cm (dĺžka na zasunutie) zaručujú, že zátka zostane bezpečne na mieste aj v tých najnáročnejších podmienkach. Náš "Little Fucker Penis Plug" je po celej dĺžke dutý, takže jeho nositeľ môže močiť aj ejakulovať bez toho, aby musel zátku vybrať.
Priemer 5 až 10 mm (max.).
Dôležité upozornenie: Hygiena je dôležitým aspektom. Dôkladne si vydezinfikujte ruky a výrobok, ktorý sa má zaviesť, naším dezinfekčným sprejom "VERYCLEAN" (č. výrobku 8305), ako je opísané v návode. Na zavádzanie používajte len náš lubrikant "VERYDEEP" (č. výrobku 8306), ktorý bol špeciálne vyvinutý na tento účel.
Feels really good
However, it is just a touch small and doesn't stay in all the time. Wish it was a tad bigger for a more snug fit. Feels goood when in and is a delight to wear.
Through and through
Great for a first timer, I've had a TON of fun with this toy. Please use caution and be gentle.
einfache handhabung , gutes handling ohne komplikationen, preis leistungsverhältnis zufriedenstellend
Three stars
Putting it in was a struggle at first. But then it went in with a bit of lube but for some reason would not stay in like it said it would. Overall I would give it 3. I was very disappointed it did not stay in.
Beautiful feeling
I purchased the penis plug and it arrived next day in UK. It is lovely piece of equipment well made and smooth.
Gave it a good wash first then with a little lube I tried to insert it. I have played with dilaters before and it still gave me that mmmmmm as it stretched the urethra and popped in.
I hope MEO does a larger size maybe 12mm soon, as I am sure anyone buying and using this product will wish to "expand" on thier experience.
The product is exactly as described, well made and smooth. It is inserted into the urethra for pleasure by stretching the urethra. It works beautifully as long as you dont try to over stretch. It is a beautiful experience as it stretches and then pops through into the urethra, feels just as yummy coming out again.
The through hole allows you to keep it in to allow you to pee or ejaculate.
Thru-Hole Penis Plug
It arrived in the post next day. I gave it a quick wash, got into bed. Just played with it for a bit, then slowly pushed it up and down. It felt a bit tight, then it popped in - fantastic. It made me cum, and it was just as good coming out. And it can be left in all day.
159,99 € 129,99 €
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